IDIL has collaborated with the British Rutherford Appleton Laboratory concerning the European HIPER project (High Power Laser Energy Research facility).
The European X-ray Free Electron Laser project will produce very intense and ultra-short light pulses in the X-ray frequency range – a superlative scientific observation. In fact, it will allow scientists to examine some virus images at the atomic scale, and the molecular composition of some cells and numerous chemical reactions.
This trans-national project aims to define the path to the production of secure, sustainable and affordable energy with low environmental impact based on fusion driven by lasers.
The expertise of IDIL has been involved at the project foundation level by providing a specific front-end laser.
In addition, within the context of the European XFEL project (European X-ray Free Electron Laser), IDIL set up a collaboration with the European XFEL GmbH, which is a non-profit limited company and the main shareholder of the project.
European XFEL equipment will generate ultra-short X-ray flashes in order to widen scientific observation ability in numerous research fields such as, for example, virus analysis or molecular composition of cells.
Within this framework, IDIL manufactured a fibre front-end source, which provides sub-picosecond duration pulses.
The Megajoule Laser (LMJ) project is the most powerful laser in the world.
Within the framework of its partnership with the CEA, IDIL has participated in the Megajoule Laser Project (LMJ) since 1997. This huge project, whose plant is situated near Bordeaux, aims at re-creating fusion phenomenon in real conditions via laboratory experiences. IDIL first developed various systems for the prototype laser line of the LMJ, the LIL, before manufacturing the front-end definition source and the dependent GUI of the LMJ. This collaboration with the CEA team on this exciting project today allows IDIL to offer various types of front-end source.
“IDIL also developed the first industrial photonic Doppler velocimetry system for shock and detonic applications.”
The defence sector makes up a third of the company’s turnover.
This technology allows measurement of unique or multiple speeds in the range of 0 to 20 km/s with excellent temporal resolution. In addition, our dedicated processing software, based on a Fourier Transform algorithm, provides a quick visualization of speed fields. The photonic Doppler velocimetry system can be used in the fields of shock physics, plasma physics or high explosives.
IDIL was awarded the “Photon d’Argent” Prize from the French Optical Society for its photonic Doppler velocimeter in 2009. The PDV system is provided under CEA Licence.
“Spectroscopy applications”
UV-Vis-NIR spectroscopy
Spectroscopy is a powerful tool, providing a wealth of information with the relatively simple measurement of how light interacts with a sample. Chemical composition, analyte concentration, colour and many other sample characteristics can all be readily determined via spectroscopy measurements.
With IDIL Fibres Optiques modular components available for spectroscopy measurements in the UV-VIS-NIR wavelength range, the measurement possibilities are endless.
The Under The Pole project will allow the exploration of the ecosystems of the Twilight Zone (between 30 and 150 metres deep), the study of fluorescence / bioluminescence, the research of new Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP).
Between 2017 and 2020, a multidisciplinary team, composed of scientists, divers, sailors, cameramans, photographers, doctors… will explore the oceans.
IDIL Fibres Optiques provided a sensitive spectrometer preconfigured for fluorescence measurements in the UV-VIS-NIR wavelength range, with interchangeable slits to change the spectral resolution and sensitivity on-site.
IFREMER missions :
– Know , assess and develop ocean resources and provide for their sustainable use.
– Improve methods of monitoring , forecasting, development , protection and enhancement of the marine and coastal environment.
– Promote the economic development of the maritime environment.
IDIL developed a specific sensor and performed some oceanographic tests and measurements, such as swell amplitude, by using Brillouin scattering, in the context of a collaborative project with IFREMER (the French research institute for exploration of the sea) and OMNISENS. Optical sensors provided by IDIL were used in a swell generating pool in order to obtain the measurements.
Furthermore, IDIL and IFREMER were involved in another collaborative project, involving offshore rigs (among other academic and industrial partners).
The project objective was to control and compare the resistance of steel and composite pipes under very high pressure. IDIL installed optical sensors around the pipes in order to study their performance under a pressure of 430 bar (corresponds to pressure at a depth of 4000m).
“Microscopy applications”
Re-scan Confocal Microscopy: sharp and sensitive
Re-scan Confocal Microscopy (RCM) is a super-resolution technique based on a standard confocal extended with an optical re-scanning unit that projects the image directly on a CCD or sCMOS camera with 95% quantum efficiency (QE). Traditional point scanning confocal systems use Photomultiplier Tubes (PMTs) with maximum 45% QE as a detector and need to close the pinhole section to improve the resolution. RCM strongly increases sensitivity while maintaining the confocal sectioning capability. The re-scan technology allows the development of images with a 40% increase in resolution, without closing the pinhole. Therefore, more photons are captured, and the signal-to-noise ratio is four times higher in RCM than in standard PMT-based confocal microscopes. This results in 170 nm resolution images with an extremely high signal-to-noise ratio. Combining RCM with deconvolution, the resolution is further improved to 120 nm.
Studying living cells by using time-lapse microscopy
One of the main obstacles during live cell imaging is the damage caused by light (phototoxicity or photobleaching). You get a time-lapse by taking one image every few seconds, for a long period of time. At Confocal, we did this for 61 hours without phototoxicity. Seeing them in super-resolution while keeping a low laser intensity is key and something you can experience with just one upgrade on your coventional microscope!
You can be a part of the future of microscopy with our winning strategy. Contact our french partner IDIL Fibres Optiques to organize a real demonstration on your microscope with your living samples.
“We invite you to discover more about IDIL innovative product portfolio in the fields of : fibre front-end, laser atom cooling and trapping, laser-induced breakdown, spectroscopy (LIBS), Raman, light detection and ranging (LIDAR), optical coherence tomography (OCT), life sciences and nuclear physics…”